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The Science Behind Success is Mission-Critical Reading for Leaders, Executives, and Entrepreneurs

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The Science Behind Success is Mission-Critical Reading for Leaders, Executives, and Entrepreneurs

January 10
19:42 2023
Written by Canadian author, Jayson Krause, this book cuts through the fluff and delivers practical, relevant leadership tools you can apply immediately.

Every once in a while, a book comes along that has the power to permanently change how you perceive the world around you and your role within it. When it comes to leading people, The Science Behind Success is one of those books.

Krause, whose writing style is gritty and to the point, brilliantly introduces four concepts of science to backstop the skills required to lead effectively. You’ll come to know these as epigenetics, memetics, hypertrophy, and myelin, which are unpacked to explain the connections between leadership, mindset, influence, culture, and performance.

By gaining a baseline understanding of neuroscience, you will begin to look at your role as a leader in a new light. In fact, if you tend to be overwhelmed at work or default to the ‘there’s not enough time’ narrative, there is a big payoff inside these pages. By embracing the tools and practices, leadership becomes natural, and you start to get your time back in return.

Whether it is understanding that effective leadership does not require you to have all the answers, or learning how to leverage the little things that make the biggest difference, The Science Behind Success has the power to transform management into a rewarding and limitless path for your career.

The author has a background in high-performance sport – specifically as a Canadian national team bobsled pilot. The influence of high-performance training is evident throughout the book, and the connections drawn between sport and leadership are powerful. One example is the use of hypertrophy. Any weekend warrior knows this as ‘no pain, no gain’ and most people have a general acceptance that some discomfort is required when we visit the gym if our goal is to grow and develop muscle. Bridging this to leadership, the concept holds true. If we are to grow and develop as individuals, getting out of our comfort zone is a biological requirement. Krause masterfully has you looking through the lens of hypertrophy, which allows leadership to become a fitness that you intentionally exercise.

The Science Behind Success is rich in practical tools for leveling up your people-management skills. By the last chapter of the book (or an eight-hour listen on Audible), you will be equipped to harness your mindset, master feedback, delegate with confidence, and communicate expectations in a way that eliminates assumptions and misunderstandings. And that is just to mention a few.

The Science Behind Success is available from Amazon or you can listen on Audible.

Jayson Krause is a thought leader worth following. In addition to being an author and executive coach, he’s a dynamic keynote speaker, he publishes The Meaningful Leader monthly newsletter, hosts a podcast called The Executive Commute, and can be found on LinkedIn here.

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